Admission Process

To submit an application for costumed membership, please follow the steps detailed below. email the appropriate pictures and information to

  • Pictures of your armor must include front view, back view, left and right side view, and a picture of your prop weapons. So long as we can clearly see all of your pieces.

  • Judging, discussion, and voting of approval or denial will be held by our application team and an email with your application results will be returned as soon as possible.

  • In some cases, the App Team may request further pictures or clarifications on questions about your costume.

  • Please include your name, your rogues of mandalore discord name, your age, Your city and state (if living in the US), and your preferred pronouns (if you have them) in your email when submitting app photos.

Age Requirments

As of October 1st 2022, we will not be accepting costumed membership applications from prospective members under the age of 18.

Application team

If you have any questions regarding the approval process, feel free to email our app team at